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Best Commercial Artificial Turf Applications

You have probably seen home yards with artificial turf, but did you know there are many commercial applications for artificial grass too?

Nowadays, developers, architects, leisure industry managers, and local authorities are requesting artificial turf for public areas with high foot traffic or areas that require regular maintenance.

As the business owner, there are multiple things you should look after in your business, so why spend time worrying if the lawn is well maintained?

Installing artificial turf in your business not only helps you minimize the overall cost needed to maintain it, but you will also cut the required time.

It is excellent at saving you money while beautifying and improving the functionality of your business and commercial space. There are many artificial turf applications, including restaurants, stores, and offices.

How Will Your Commercial Business Benefit from Artificial Turf?

There are many benefits of applying artificial turf in your commercial business. Here is a handful:

Low Maintenance

Artificial turf is a great commercial space solution because it requires little maintenance throughout the entire period. Synthetic turf eliminates the need for spreading pesticides or fertilizers, plus mowing, saving resources and time.


Installing artificial turf for your business will help you save a lot of water since it generally needs no watering. Besides the occasional hose-off as part of the slight routine maintenance that artificial turf needs, your water consumption will reduce significantly.

It also requires no pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, making it great for the soil, water supply, and air.

Can withstand a lot of foot traffic

How often is your grass used? Unlike natural grass, artificial turf can withstand heavy use. It is incredibly hard-wearing, meaning your synthetic turf will remain pristine all year round, despite being stepped on regularly.

Artificial Turf Has a High ROI

Artificial grass is highly cost-effective. When you choose artificial grass over natural grass, you will probably recover the installation costs within a few years by reducing lawn maintenance costs and the need for water.

Lush, Healthy Appearance, All Year Round

Purchasing artificial turf for your business means you will have a lush, healthy-looking lawn throughout the year, regardless of the season.

The grass is manufactured with exclusive fibers that make it the best for lawns. It is also resistant to deterioration from mildew, rot, fungus, and microorganisms and has a patent-pending technology that protects it from harmful UV rays of the sun.

Infinite Design Possibilities

You can apply artificial turf in numerous places where it is impossible to grow natural grass, such as steeply sloping ground, rooftops, non-accessible areas, indoors, or dark spaces.

Where Can You Use Artificial Turf?

Artificial turf can be used to ensure your business looks its best. Here are different settings where you can use synthetic turf to increase the overall appearance of the place.


Your business has numerous things that need your attention. Lawn maintenance does not have to be in the bracket. Artificial grass can make for an alluring addition to your retail space, even if there is little foot traffic. It is also likely to turn heads when it appears green, fresh, and inviting all year round.

Swimming Pool Decks

Combining water and smooth concrete with high foot traffic can be a slippery recipe for tragedy. Artificial grass creates an ideal pool deck, offering sufficient traction while absorbing excessive water. Plus, it does not fade or stain, even when it gets in contact with pool chemicals. It also does not create grass blades or mud, making it easy to keep the pool clean.


Principals and park managers choose to install synthetic turf as a safe play area cover for playgrounds and parks.

Unlike natural grass, which is prone to holes and ruts, artificial grass holds up well to high traffic from kids’ feet. You can also install a foam layer beneath it, which provides an additional cushion in case of trips or falls.

Natural grass needs frequent fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides to keep it looking nice, which can be toxic to children. This makes artificial grass the safest option for children’s playgrounds.

Office Buildings

Artificial grass has also become a significant addition at office sites for exterior and interior.

Outside, it is ideal for covering hard-to-mow areas like parking lots, next to sidewalks, or near curbs. Additionally, artificial grass is a fantastic ground cover for natural grass to flourish in areas without sunlight or water.

Nowadays, business owners are taking synthetic turf a step ahead and using it to decorate the interior of their offices. Since natural grass cannot grow under tables or on a wall, many interior decorators use artificial turf to increase aesthetic appeal and add a calming, relaxing zone to their business.

Golf Greens

When it comes to golf facilities, there are numerous moving pieces, but one thing you will always need is a playable surface. And synthetic turf is a perfect solution for every phase. From driving ranges to putting greens, artificial grass can do it all. It is also a perfect addition to enhance the appearance of your mini-golf facility at any time of the year.

Gym/ Athletic Facilities

Athletic facilities and gyms use artificial grass in workout areas to kindle workout conditions. Artificial turf provides durability and traction for football blocking drills and soccer prints.

It also offers more cushioning than traditional flooring, and you can combine it with a foam pad for extra cushioning. This is vital for athletes practicing high-impact activities like martial arts and wrestling.

The grass’ durability allows it to withstand the pressure from weights, high foot traffic, and heavy equipment.


Artificial turf is the ideal solution for your commercial space. Plus, you can install it almost everywhere.

It is ideal for greening up spaces where natural grass cannot grow. Whether you own an office building, a waterpark, or a sports arena, turf grass’ durability and low maintenance profile will boost your business while reducing the hassle and cost of maintenance.

If you have a commercial space in the area, call us for your artificial turf options. We will ensure your space looks inviting, well-kept, and beautiful.